Monday, June 17, 2013

The 1962 Roman Missal

One thing that Latin Mass Societies might want to consider is to procure copies of the 1962 Roman Missal for use and sale when they have Mass in the EO in their parishes.

The Daily Missal and Liturgical Manual is a treasure trove for Catholics who might be surprised to know how much information about their Faith they've been missing, let alone the EF of the Mass.

Included in the Table of Contents:

BVXI's letter Summorum Pontificum
Feasts and Fasts throughout the Year
Table of Moveable Feasts
Liturgical Calendar
On the Liturgical Year (a great book excerpt)
The Most Necessary Prayers (Acts of Faith, Hope, Charity, and Contrition)
An Abridgment of Christian Doctrine:
  The Ten Commandments
  The Six Precepts of the Church
  The Seven Sacraments
  The Three Theological Virtues
  The Four Cardinal Virtues
  The Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost
  The Twelve Fruits of the Holy Ghost
  The Spiritual Works of Mercy
  The Corporal Works of Mercy
  The Eight Beatitudes
  The Seven Deadly Sins
  Contrary Virtues
  Sins against the Holy Ghost
  Sins crying to Heaven for Vengeance
  Nine Ways of being accessory to another's Sin
  Three Eminently Good Works
  Three Evangelical Counsels
  Subjects for Daily Meditation
General Prayers
  The Angelus
  The Regina coeli
  Veni Sancte Spiritus
  Sub tuum presidium
  Litany of the Most Sacred Heart
  The Way of the Cross
  Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
  The Holy Rosary
  Fatima Prayers
  The Memorare
  Litany of Saint Joseph
  Divine Mercy Chaplet
  Blessing before Meals
  Grace after Meals

And this is all before page 60. There are morning prayers, evening prayers, devotions. There's an explanation of the Liturgy in the Roman Catholic Church. There are prayers for whatever situation you might find yourself in (in Time of Tribulation, Famine, Earthquake, Against Evil Thoughts...). There is a complete explanation of the Mass and all cycles therein; the Common of Saints, Martyrs, Virgins, Holy Women, Feasts of the Blessed Virgin; Proper of the Saints; Marriage services; Masses for the Dead; Feasts of Our Lord; Feasts of Our Lady; Alphabetical index of Feasts of the Saints; Index of the Psalms, Hymns, Sequences, Canticles. The Mass in Latin (and English) begins on page 900, and it guides the person step-by-step through the Mass.

In short, it is an excellent catechism for Catholics to learn about their Faith. It contributes to the hermeneutic of continuity. It helps to heal the rupture that has occurred in previous decades.

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